Please contact me at: if you are interested in an item. If you do not hear back from me within 24 hours, that probably means my reply went into your spam folder, so please look there for my reply.

If you don't want my emails to go into your spam folder, please add my email address to your list of contacts. Another way to communicate with me is to add a comment to the item you are interested in. I'll check comments to my blog everyday and respond within 24 hours.

Payment for items that are for sale must be made and confirmed before shipment with amounts deposited to our postal savings, paid by Amazon gift certificate, or via Paypal.

Thanks to John for the following hint regarding the process of signing up to Paypal: Paypal was easy once I got it set up in English. The hardest part was finding Paypal's telephone number. As soon as I logged in in English, it switched to Japanese. I telephoned 03-6739-7360. The girl who answered spoke perfect English. She told me my default language was Japanese, which it probably is for everyone with a Japanese address. In less then a minute she set my default language to English and then it was easy.

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Vanpac complaint update

Well folks, it's been awhile and I'm sorry that I haven't been able to update this before now, but the issue that we had with VanPac was not completely wrapped up until the end of November and then we all know what December is like in Canada!

The 'wrap up' with VanPac consisted of their agreeing to pay us 50,000 yen (approx $600 Cdn) for the 1/3 empty space in our 20' container (which they had told us was completely full).  Because they sub-contracted the pickup of our stuff (three different trucks), there was no way we could know exactly how many cubic feet we had used up and when they told us it was full, we had to scramble to give away or throw away valuable stuff--which was worth at least $2000.  On top of that, they didn't pack our furniture very carefully (including antique furniture which they assured us would be moved very carefully) and because there was empty space in the container, things got damaged because of all the jostling around.  The furniture repairman quoted us $950 for repairing all the scratches, stains, and chips in our furniture.  Fortunately, the insurance company paid in full, but considering we paid approximately $15,000.00 Cdn to move our container door-to-door, my position is that it never should have been damaged in the first place!

All in all, if I had to do it all over again, I guess I'd start living like a Spartan five years before my move so that I had nothing that needed to be shipped.  If I had something that I absolutely could not part with, I would have it crated and moved by a company that specialized in moving sentimental or valuable items.  This isn't a realistic way of looking at moving, however, most people are going to need a shipper/mover upon whom they can rely.  We moved our stuff in storage from Calgary with Halifax Transfer and I would mostly recommend them.  They lost a stool that my husband used for playing his upright bass due to the way it was described on the waybill, but the truck driver paid us for it out of his own pocket rather than having to register the oversight with his company.

On the lighter side, I'm happy that we can now call this move and all its associated issues finished.  We love our new home and are looking forward to the new year and our new lives.  I think it was time for us to come back to Canada and even though this is not without its challenges, it is nice to be back home.  I will always have a big place in my heart for Japan and all the lovely people I met there, but this is where we belong.  Hope you all are feeling the same sense of home.  Happiness, peace, and prosperity to you all in 2013!

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